Ready to go deeper into queer spirituality?
We're hosting a number of 6-week small group learning circles on topics important to our community.
If you want grow together in a space where doubts and questions are welcome, this is for you.
Sex & Relationships
Do you want to experience more ease in your romantic and sexual relationships? Are you struggling to integrate your faith and your sexuality? Do you want to move past shame and be free to feel joy and pleasure?
In this six week coaching circle we’ll do a deep dive into practices that will allow you to get in touch with desire, move past shame, and find freedom. You’ll walk away with integrated understanding of your sexuality and a faith-based, shame-free sexual ethic that is rooted in your values, with specific practices to embody all of that!
Reinventing Faith
Are you wanting to connect with your creativity? To explore how to fit a creative practice into the stress and busyness of your day to day? Or maybe you want some encouragement that your voice matters? Or some feedback on how to make your project stronger?
Whether you’re struggling to finish a creative project, don’t know how to focus, or aren’t even sure where to start, this circle will be a practical place to work on your projects and get unstuck so you can share the art only you can make. (This is for all types of art, religious and non.)
Whether the wounds of grief are fresh or old, we’ll hold space together to honor our grief and you’ll receive practical support on moving through that grief in ways that are practical and healing.
In this circle we’ll hold space for what you’ve lost, get clear on where and how grief is showing up in our lives, and develop specific practices to honor who and what we’ve lost while moving toward health and wholeness.
Polyamory & Spirituality
As LGBTQ relationships gain more acceptance, we know that there are additional hurdles for people in open or polyamorous relationships.
If you want to integrate your relationship practices with your spiritual, strengthen existing relationships, explore new ones mindfully, and connect with other polyamorous Christins and spiritually-minded folks, this circle is for you!
In this six week coaching circle you’ll get practical and spiritual support around doing non-monogamous relationships well and holistically integrating that into your life.
Rediscovering The Bible
Do you miss the days when you could open up the Bible and feel like it was God’s love letter to you? Or maybe you’ve always felt the Bible was boring but you wonder if you’re missing something? Do you want to read the Bible with confidence and joy instead of fear and shame?
In this circle we’ll do a deep dive in how to read the Bible with more confidence as well as how to find comfort and inspiration in it as a queer/trans person. Not only will this be a group Bible study, you’ll also walk away with tools to continue to study on your own.
The pricing of these support circles reflects the cost of the labor to prepare and lead them. We also want to make this work as accessible as possible. If the cost makes participating inaccessible to you because income, non-USD currency, or any other circumstance, please email us at to talk about sliding scale options that might be right for you. We only have limited information about each other, so let’s try to figure something out!