When considering how LGBTQ people fit into Christianity, it’s tempting to fall back on questions of “Is it ok?” and get stuck in arguments of hermeneutics and exegesis (which are important!) but in doing so miss the forest for the trees.
This passage offers us some guidance on how we might discern God’s will and what is right and righteous. This isn’t about picking whatever we want or disregarding scriptural insight, instead it’s about figuring out what is it that the Bible really says and how does that relate to our own relationship with God and each other.
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Philippians 1:9-11
This is my prayer: that your love might become even more and more rich with knowledge and all kinds of insight. I pray this so that you will be able to decide what really matters and so you will be sincere and blameless on the day of Christ. I pray that you will then be filled with the fruit of righteousness, which comes from Jesus Christ, in order to give glory and praise to God.
Photo by Ben White