An abundant life is your birthright. We were made to be healthy and whole. To live into our highest purpose. To experience life-giving relationships. To thrive.
But it’s not always that simple. Life is hard. Systemic injustice is real. Sometimes, people hurt us. Heck, sometimes we hurt ourselves!
But the life or relationship of your dreams is possible. We don’t mean this in a Prosperity Gospel sort of way (ew gross) or that you can simply attract everything you want out of thin air (if only it was that easy).
But we do know—because we have seen it in our own lives—that we can do the work to get well, happy, whole, fulfilled. And that is so worth it. We want that for you, too.
Spiritual Life Coaching &
Faith-GUided Relationship Coaching
Life Coaching and Relationship Coaching are invitations to take back the reigns of your life and to take action to create the life and relationships that sustain and fulfill you. We are here to guide you in that process.
Fr. Shannon TL Kearns is an ordained minister and Brian G. Murphy is a certified life & relationship coach.
If you want to run a race, you follow a training plan. If you want to climb a mountain, you follow a guide.
That’s our job: to help you get to where you want to go.

Here are some reasons you might want Spiritual Life Coaching or Relationship Coaching:
+ If your faith life is no longer fulfilling
+ If your relationship with your family is strained or hurtful
+ If you want to come out
+ If you’re trying to reconcile your faith and your gender or sexuality
+ If you want to improve your romantic relationship
+ If your sex or dating life feels stuck
+ If you’re trying to figure out open or polyamorous relationships
+ If you need to deconstruct or reconstruct your faith
+ If your spiritual life could use some intentional direction
+ If you’re discerning or working toward a major life change
+ If you’re feeling lost or adrift in your life, faith, or relationships
Who is spiritual life or relationship coaching not for?
If you want someone to tell you exactly what to do, this isn’t for you. Your life is YOURS to live, following someone else’s prescription for your life (even ours!) won’t, ultimately, be fulfilling. But, if you want a trained guide to help you discover and live into your own best life? We got ya!
If you’d rather sulk than take action, this isn’t for you. Life is hard. Change is uncomfortable. There are no guarantees. We get it. We’ve been there. We also know that for as much as taking action to change your life hurts, staying stuck hurts more.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
– Anais Nin
If that day, for you, is right now. We’re here for you.
If you are genuinely content with your life and there is nothing you want to change. Sometimes, you may be in a period of your life where everything is clicking in and buzzing along and your calling is to revel in that. If that’s where you are right now, awesome! When you want to change things up a bit (even if life is still great), we’ll be here.
Coaching is not the same thing as therapy. We think both are important. Some folks benefit from therapy but coaching, some folks benefit from coaching but not therapy, some folks benefit from both. We regularly have therapists refer clients to us and we recommend therapy to folks when appropriate.
Therapists and coaches fill different roles in your life.
Is spiritual Life Coaching or relationship Coaching Right for me?
Coaching can benefit just about everyone. If what we’ve shared so far resonates with you, then you’re likely a good fit for life or relationship coaching.
Whether we are right for each other is another question. The best way to figure that out is for you to fill out an application and schedule a time for us to talk. It’s completely free and comes with no obligation.
We want to make sure we’re a good fit for each other and that we can be of service to you.

Spiritual Life Coaching
If you’re looking to make changes (or A Big Change) in your life and want that process to be informed by your faith, Spiritual Life Coaching is for you.
Some folks work on areas specific to their faith: healing from religious trauma, finding a new faith community and set of practices, or discerning a call to ministry; while others are working on their whole life but through a spiritual lens: changing careers, navigating gender transition, or dealing with family tension.
Each part of your life affects the other parts and your spirituality encompasses it all. Spiritual Life Coaching is a holistic process to making progress toward yo
Relationship Coaching
If you’re looking to open your relationship, get clear on your sexual ethic, or have some support as you navigate your own unique relationship challenge or opportunity, Brian offers practical, supportive relationship coaching.
Together we will get clarity on the values that guide your life in general — and how those can guide your dating, romantic, and/or sexual life. We’ll investigate limiting beliefs around relationships and sexuality that may be holding you back from experiencing abundance and together we’ll develop specific, actionable practices to cultivate a healthy relationship with yourself, your desires, and others.
Ready to make a change?
If you’re interested in Spiritual Life and/or Relationship Coaching, the first step is to fill out a short application. Absolutely no obligation. One of the benefits of coaching is that it’s customized to you.
We’ll then send you some more information.
We don’t work with everyone: we only work with folks that we know we can help and who are committed to showing up and putting in the effort. Be sure to fill out your application thoughtfully.
All coaching spots are currently filled
At this time, all coaching spots are currently filled. When slots become available, we’ll re-open signups. We are starting a waitlist so that the most interested folks can get first dibs. If you’re interested in coaching with us in the future, apply below to be added to the waitlist. We will contact the waitlist first before opening up registration publicly. If spots are filled from the waitlist, we won’t reopen here.
If you have any questions before you apply, get in touch. We’re here to help you make the decision that is best for you.