How you can know that it's really OK to be LGBTQ and Christian
"Is it ok to be LGBTQ and Christian?" is a question that has been asked—and answered—for decades.
Anti-LGBTQ Christians have made a business out of convincing us that our lives, loves, and bodies are sick and sinful; trying to separate us from the love of God.
Neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers,
neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God.
What does the Bible say?
The Bible says lots of things, on lots of topics. Sometimes, those things are contradictory, even.
The order of creation is different in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2, for example.
Some parts of the Bible teach us to take care of outsiders, while others are skeptical of them.
Some parts of the Bible reproduce patriarchal expectations for women, while others portray them as leaders, warriors, judges, and bishops.
Certain Christians want you to believe that there is only one way to be Christian—their way—and they pick and choose Bible verses, plucking them out of context to justify their prejudices.
To know what the Bible says, you’ve got to read more than just select passage and you’ve got to learn to read the Bible well.
Up for that task? Here are some suggestions to get you started:
- “Digging The Details” workshop + “Journey Into The Bible” 4-week course. Learn more
- What Is The Bible? by Rob Bell
- The Very Good Gospel by Lisa Sharon Harper
- Original Blessing by Danielle Stroyer
- The Jewish Annotated New Testament edited by Dr. Amy-Jill Levine
Is there queerness in the Bible?
Absolutely. We think the Bible—from Genesis to Revelation—proclaims good news to LGBTQ+ people and we see queerness on every page.
Where to look for queerness in the Bible?
- the Queer Theology Podcast looks at hundreds of passages from an LGBTQ perspective. Browse the back catalogue to hear some. You can also filter by book of the Bible
- the devotional Queers The Word: a 40-day Devotional for LGBTQ Christians offers Bible passages, reflections, journal prompts, and faith-into-action activities to encourage and inspire. You can get on Amazon, Bookshop, or as a digital download
- In The Margins: A Transgender Man’s Journey With Scripture looks at famous passages from scripture such as Jacob wrestling with the divine, Rahab and the Israelite spies, Ezekiel and the dry bones, and the transfiguration of Jesus. In each chapter, reveals queerness lurking in them and shares how those same stories can unlock the transformative power of faith. Available on Bookshop, Amazon, Barnes & Noble
What about the "clobber passages"
There are many excellent resources debunking the so-called “clobber passages” but we’ve found that the best academic argument in the world won’t do much if you are still gripped by fear or you are reading the Bible the way the homophobes and transphobes want you to.
The first step to really believe in the goodness of LGBTQ+ people is better tools and a community of people who are further along on the journey than you.
That’s why we started Sanctuary Collective Community + Spiritual Study Hall.
Spiritual Study Hall has tons of resources on topics that matter to LGBTQ+ people like
- how to read the Bible better,
- how to build a progressive, faithful sexual ethic,
- how to take care of yourself around unsupportive,
- how to make spiritual practices that nourish you.
and Sanctuary Collective has over 100 members to support and encourage you on every step of your journey, with discussion spaces for:
- spiritual life
- creativity
- sex & relationships
- polyamory
- transgender & nonbinary closed community
- regularly scheduled live online gatherings
Together, we share in life’s joys and struggles, wrestle together with how to live out our faith, and inspire each other.
Want to be part of that?
Sanctuary Collective + Spiritual Study Hall is the support for all parts of your journey, from the uncertainty of “is it really ok” to boldly living into your identity to working to change the world.
Prefer a bit of a DIY approach?
The articles, books, workshops, and videos will help you get started.
Put the clobber passages to rest for good by learning how they’re misinterpreted and breathe some queer life into them instead.

If the “clobber passages” are a stumbling block for your coming out process, we’ve got your back with this workshop.
Are you are sick of defending yourself or loved ones against the same ole scripture passages time and time again?
Have you had enough of being continuously clobbered by the Clobber Passages?
This is workshop designed for you and how to finally clobber those Clobber Passages. So, let’s dive deeper into how these clobber passages are misinterpreted and how they’re actually queer.
A fresh look at old passages
Reframing some of the passages that have been used against us
Less doubt. More community.
A connection to the divine that is ancient modern yours
Sanctuary Collective is a diverse, international community of LGBTQ+ people of faith and spiritual seekers. We’re Christians and Jews and seekers and doubters and spiritual-but-religious and religious-but-not-spiritual and some of us are searching for something else entirely.
We’re waiting to accept and support you just as you are—no compromise, no hiding.
The journey is easier with others. Come figure out what you really believe, develop spiritual practices that nourish you, reconnect with your body and creativity, and be surrounded by love (plus, lots of selfies and cat pictures) (even though some of us are allergic!)
Sanctuary Collective includes
- a private community discussion app for web & mobile
- monthly discussion groups & coaching calls
- quarterly worship experiences
- themed small groups
- a dedicated, closed group for trans & nonbinary members
- channels for topics like bodies, creativity, polyamory, bookclub, and more